obscure people
fearless leader
- Richard Bullington-McGuire
- who runs the Obscure Organization.
- Alex Fry
- who continues his escapades as Optional Al.
- Anais
- who appreciates Baudelaire and the Pre-Raphaelites.
- Angldst
- who confesses to writing bad goth poetry.
- Azathoth (Charlie)
- who has had some bad encounters with explosives.
- The Blue Vampire
- who is very persistent at getting her own way.
- Dan Brown
- who likes to quote RFCs, and has a way with a camera.
- Celeste
- who will always be the Dancer In Red.
- Eva Crider
- who has some interesting thoughts about the freak scene she has left.
- Christopher Veres
- who can do really cool things with programmable calculators.
- Dew
- who is sometimes known as Silver Box Baby.
- Drac (Dan)
- who looks very cool in sunglasses.
- Domino
- who has a fascination with Death (not what you think).
- Faisal Jawdat
- who insists that there is No Conspiracy.
- Kevin Hogue
- who started the Raver Jesus mailing list.
- Hyperion
- who really likes Formula One Racing.
- Ilen
- who has design skills surpassing those of mere mortals.
- Jaws
- who hosts the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, a resource on everything from wine to news magazines to HTML.
- Kim Schroeder
- who really likes dream catchers.
- Leatrice Guttentag
- who has clearly been polishing her resume.
- Lalartu (Shawn Ferry)
- who does dangerous things with lit torches.
- Mehitobel Wilson
- who is working on a novel.
- Owen Davis
- who drives several fast, unreliable cars.
- Pain (Marcy)
- who has been reviewing Richmond restaurants.
- Oddlystrange
- who hangs out in Hollywood Cemetary far too much.
- Peter Burris
- who acts as a language policeman, and publishes some erudite and irreverent journals.
- Puppy
- who has a Dirty Little Doghouse.
- Raptor
- who likes blood-dripping animated gifs, apparently.
- Rednikki
- who has come out of DJ retirement to save the DC club scene.
- RiVeTeD
- who writes music, and spends entirely too much time running the talk command.
- Rudy Fry
- who is a retired painter.
- Stormlady
- who enjoys chasing tornadoes.
- Todd Davis
- who has some cool music tips for the world.
- Vanguard
- who enjoys Greek... erm, nevermind.
- Vlad
- who, according to his girlfriendwife, has a "really cute butt".