Donate to Obscure

Obscure's services are primarily supported by the generous contributions of its members, users, and the general public. Without public support, the resources Obscure provides would wither.

The Obscure Organization is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. As such, donations made to Obscure are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. In June 2003, the IRS issued an advance ruling agreeing with this status, and in March 2007, it issued a final ruling confirming this status.

Membership in The Obscure Organization is $20 per year. By becoming a member, you are making a committment to support Obscure's mission of promoting creativity and community through technology. You will also get a chance to steer the direction of Obscure by electing the board of directors. You don't have to be a member to maintain an account on Obscure or use its resources, but as a member, you help support all the users of Obscure. If you contribute $20 or more, either as a one-time donation, or as a subscription, you will become a full-fledged member of The Obscure Organization.

Fortunately, it's easy to contribute to Obscure! You can do so online with a credit card by following one of the links below, or you can send a check by mail to the address below.

The Obscure Organization
300 S Jackson St
Arlington VA 22204

Make a one-time donation

Donate any amount to Obscure

Sign up for a membership subscription

Basic Membership

Supporting Membership

Sustaining Membership

If you sign up for a membership subscription, your membership will automatically renew each year (as long as you keep your PayPal information current).

Official PayPal Seal