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Re: onMouseOver
Roger =?iso-8859-1?Q?=C5berg ?= wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to have a onMouseOver="window.status='bla bla text';return
> true" thing in a usemap.
> Now it lookes like this like this:
> <IMG usemap="#meny.map" SRC="bilder/meny.gif" WIDTH=181 HEIGHT=140
> BORDER=0 ALT="meny.gif" ISMAP>
> <MAP Name="meny.map">
> <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="40,3 ,176,32" target="_main"
> href="index.htm">
> <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="40,38 ,176,67" target="_main"
> href="r2form.htm">
> <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="40,72 176,102" target="_main"
> href="staff.htm" >
> <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="40,107 177,137" target="_main"
> href="links.htm">
> </map>
> How do I do it, and were do I put the code?
> ------------------
> Roger Åberg
> r2form@algonet.se
> http://www.algonet.se/~r2form
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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onMouseOver="" only works with <A HREF> or <A NAME=""> to my knowledge.
so, you might try something like this:
<A NAME="whatever" onMouseOver="javascript">
<IMG usemap="#meny.map" SRC="bilder/meny.gif" WIDTH=181 HEIGHT=140
BORDER=0 ALT="meny.gif" ISMAP>
never tried it personally, but you might try it and see for yourself.
Christian Lanctot
e-mail: kristian@generation.net
Web : http://www.generation.net/~kristian/
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