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Re: onMouseOver
Sorry. What I meant was:
function click_to( str )
var x;
if(str == 'bla bla text')
x = 'index.htm';
if(str == 'bla blue text')
x = 'r2form.htm';
if(str == 'bla blee text')
x = 'staff.htm';
if(str == 'bla bluf text')
x = 'links.htm';
lication.search = x;
<IMG usemap="#meny.map" SRC="bilder/meny.gif" WIDTH=181 HEIGHT=140
BORDER=0 ALT="meny.gif" ISMAP>
<MAP Name="meny.map">
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="40,3 ,176,32" target="_main"
href="javascript:parent.click_to('bla bla text')">
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="40,38 ,176,67" target="_main"
href="javascript:parent.click_to('bla blue text')">
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="40,72 176,102" target="_main"
href="javascript:parent.click_to('bla blee text')" >
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="40,107 177,137" target="_main"
href="javascript:parent.click_to('bla bluf text')">
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