It Seems to have a very intresting migration pattern. Their have been sightings at the following locations on these days:
Mondays: At Nicks in Alexandria, or at Asylum in Adams Morgan
Tuesdays: At Heaven in Adams morgan, with a few venturing to Cobalt, at 17th & R for retro eighties
However, for the best time on Tuesdays, check out Criticalmass at The Edge.
Wednesdays: Roxy Resurection At Ozone. 18th and Conneticut, just off DuPont Circle
Thursdays: Tracks
Fridays: Bound in Adams Morgan, or At someones party somewhere.....
Saturday: Industrial Revalution at the Capitol Ballroom
Sunday: This appears to be the day that they all recover, and get ready for the next week.
This is a very intresting species, and fun to hang out with. The only setback appears to be that these creatures attract far to
much drama than can possably be healthy. Anyone spending any amount of time with them has a large probability of going insane.
As I myself am already insane, this is not a problem I have to worry about.
Anyone with information on other sightings of this, or simaler species let me know