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Green. Finally. Except...

So here I am finally, with green hair, like I always wanted. Except...it doesn't look that good. It's green, yes, but it's just not *me*.

This is my first foray into Fudge Paintbox. A co-worker of mine went to England on a business trip and discovered it while he was over there. It's really incredible stuff. Very vivid. It doesn't last too long, but there is *nothing* out there that matches it's vividness. It's like the colors you see on synthetic wigs, at least temporarily. I love it.

My co-worker eventually dyed his hair this color. It looked much better on him than it did on me. Bastard.

I don't know when this was. I've got on a tank top, so it must have been warmer, but I didn't think I stuck with the weird blond that long. Eh. I'm guessing late summer 1998.


fleur@obscure.org / 9/27/2001