1998-9 Pictures of Apparattus Norvegicus

(Click picture for bigger version)

Fantastic portrait of my scintillating friend Emily, and I
from a photo shoot we did up in Washington state.
(Photo by Diana White - used with permission, no further redistribution. Copyright on this item is taken very seriously.)

Another great portrait of Emily and I

(Photo by Diana White - used with permission, no further redistribution. Copyright on this item is taken very seriously.)

My friend Emily and I in Washington

(Photo by Amy Allen)

Emily in her uber-cool fetish goth outfit

(Photo by me)

My friends, the awesome Dan & the amazing Cyndi, and I, in DC

(Photo by Richard Bullington)

My wonderful friend DeAnna and I, in Baltimore

(Photo by Nicole Byrd)

Me a little tipsy at Cyndi & Dan's wedding party, in full Highland formal dress.

(Photo by Cyndi Bernard-Brown?)

Looking pensive...

(Photo by Nicole Byrd)

The rarest of sights...

...me in a suit!
(Photo by ??)

Silly gothy posing

(Photo by Nicole Byrd)

The first pic of me in 8 years with no goatee!

(Photo by Merrick Klaus, I think)

Trenched out in Edie's red room

(Photo by Edie Morris)

EmCee'ing the liquid latexing of my delectable friend Summer

at one of my notorious parties. (Photo by ??)

Another kilt pic

(by Nicole Byrd)

Me with a silly look on my face, and my lovely friend Katya

(Photo by Baron?)

Drinking Dom Perignon out of the bottle

at a Chris & Thora Party (photo by Chris Knight)

With my beautiful friend Denise, at Masquerade, 1998

(Photo by Danielle Emerick)

Quasi-recent shot, from Shrine of Lilith

And, no, I don't have a giant cigarette stuck in my head. (Photo by Merrick Klaus, I think)

Bonus pic: Me as a 4-year-old. %-)

Photo by some random British family portrait photographer (I was a military brat; can you tell?)

1993-7 Pictures