The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.


NOUN: 1a. Mathematics A set of elements or points satisfying specified geometric postulates: non-Euclidean space. b. The infinite extension of the three-dimensional region in which all matter exists. 2a. The expanse in which the solar system, stars, and galaxies exist; the universe. b. The region of this expanse beyond Earth's atmosphere. 3a. An extent or expanse of a surface or three-dimensional area: Water covered a large space at the end of the valley. b. A blank or empty area: the spaces between words. c. An area provided for a particular purpose: a parking space. 4. Reserved or available accommodation on a public transportation vehicle. 5a. A period or interval of time. b. A little while: Let's rest for a space. 6. Sufficient freedom from external pressure to develop or explore one's needs, interests, and individuality: “The need for personal space inevitably asserts itself” (Maggie Scarf). 7. Music One of the intervals between the lines of a staff. 8. Printing One of the blank pieces of type or other means used for separating words or characters. 9. One of the intervals during the telegraphic transmission of a message when the key is open or not in contact. 10. Blank sections in printed material or broadcast time available for use by advertisers.

VERB: Inflected forms: spaced, spac·ing, spac·es

TRANSITIVE VERB: 1. To organize or arrange with spaces between. 2. To separate or keep apart. 3. Slang To stupefy or disorient from or as if from a drug. Often used with out: The antihistamine spaces me out so I can't think clearly. INTRANSITIVE VERB: Slang To be or become stupefied or disoriented. Often used with out: I was supposed to meet her, but I spaced out and forgot. ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, area, from Old French espace, from Latin spatium. OTHER FORMS: spacer —NOUN

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