I'm not your life
I'm your love and death
I'm your hot trip to heaven
With a short pit stop in hell.
I'm why you can't sleep anymore.
I will wake you with the nightmares
From the depths of your mind.
I won't let you think clearly
I am all the pain you've ever felt
I can be the mercy you beg for.
I am that which you can never have
For long.

I will elude you forever
I will make you cry
I will be your silent scream.

Mine will be the name you murmur
In your nightmares
I will never be far from your mind
I will always be here with you.
I will hold you when you need me
I can never let you go
You can never forget me
I am too much a part of you.

I will elude you forever
I will make you cry
I will be your silent scream.

Db 8 June 1995