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Re: netscape 2.01 problem

This sounds like it's part of the security fix.  Are the documents that are
ocming up with a null location.href from a different server than yours?

-- Gordon

At 11:57 PM 3/20/96 EST, you wrote:
>i had some javascript code which worked fine under 2.0 but not under 2.01.
>the code poped a framed page (mame="main") out to the parent (full
>screen/noframes) window (for bookmarking/exited, tec.).  before i always got
>a valid URL using parent.main.location.href, but in 2.01 it mostly (but not
>always) returns a NULL.
>1) is this *really* part of the security hole fix?   and
>2) is there another way of retrieving the URL of a page loaded into a frame?
>my original code follows
>this code is in another frame off the parent window called "slot01.html"
>   <title>slot01</title>
>   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/2.0GoldB1 (Win32)">
><body bgcolor="#000000">
><div align=center><p><a href="#"
>OnMouseOver="window.status='Exit Frames'; return true"><img
>src="graphics/breakout.gif" border=0  height=44 width =44 ></a></p></div>
>tia, stan
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-- Gordon

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