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Re: SELECT values
Hi, Andy,
I like that you collect and create the exmaples for 411. It's good.
Just a small note to your example on select: I think that it should
include a test whether selectedIndex is set or not. It is always set in your
example but when somebody uses multi-line selecttion, it may not be
true. My suggestion is:
function showSelected(form) {
var selected = form.make.selectedIndex;
form.display.value = (selected == -1 ? "" :
Best regards,
Martin Senger
> ********************
> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Guide to Select Object</TITLE>
> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
> <!--
> function showSelected(form) {
> form.display.value = form.make.options[form.make.selectedIndex].text
> }
> // -->
> <BODY>
> <FORM NAME="test">
> <SELECT NAME="make">
> <OPTION>Ford
> <OPTION>Saturn
> <OPTION>Yugo
> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Show selected option"
> onClick="showSelected(this.form)">
> <INPUT NAME="display">
> </FORM>
> </BODY></HTML>
> -Andy Augustine
> JavaScript 411 -- http://www.freqgrafx.com/411/
| Martin Senger m.senger@dkfz-heidelberg.de |
| voice: (0049) 6221/422340 |
| fax: (0049) 6221/422333 |
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