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Re: Gestion des FRAME's
The translation was pretty good. But what he meant to ask was:
"Hello to all the French people!!!!!!!
Ok, I am addressing this to all the rare french people on this mailing list.
Does anyone know how frames are handled in Javascript?"
w00t ;)
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|| Aymeric Grassart | http://www.NETural.com/~ccamel ||
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On Tue, 12 Mar 1996, Mike Darrin wrote:
> Nico wrote:
> >
> > Salut a tous les francais !!!!!!!!!!
> >
> > Bon, je m'adresse aux rares francais qui sont inscrit a cette liste de
> > discussion.
> >
> > Quelqu'un connaitrait-il la gestion des FRAME sous JAVASCRIPT ??????????
> >
> > Merci bcp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Here's a very rough translation of this:
> "Hello, I'm writing to any french-speakers who are subscribed to this
> (discussion) list.
> "Is there anyone that can explain the relationship between FRAMEs and
> I haven't had any formal French training in 5 years, but I think
> that's what was asked.
> --
> Michael S. Darrin
> Legislative Data Processing Center
> Pennsylvania General Assembly
> mailto:msd111@psu.edu
> msd@palegis.cmic.state.pa.us
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