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not sure of how to go about this


i have a set of pages with three frames set up this way:

|  header      |
|left |  right |
|     |        |

while the right frame usually contains pages local to my host,
odyssee.net, external hostnames sometimes will be put in that frame for 
my site visitors to explore.

in the header, i would like to have a back button which brings the site 
visitor back to the last page they visited on my host. ie: the visitor
loads the file http://www.odyssee.net/~myLogin/right.html and follows a 
link to an external site from right.html . he then pokes around the 
external site and eventually bores of it. he hits the return button in my 
header frame. this calls a function that looks through at the hostname 
property of all the previous pages loaded into the right frame until it 
finds an URL with the hostname odyssee.net .

problem is, i'm not sure hwo to implement it; netscape keeps telling me 
that line 28 is not a number. i assume this means that there's something 
wrong with the line commented as a problem line. here's the script -- 
check(loc) is called first

<!-- hide it

var delta=-1

function check(loc)
(loc!="odyssee.net") ? findHome() : parent.right.history.back();

function findHome()
while (parent.right.history.hostname != "odyssee.net")  // problem line
    delta -= 1;
<!-- end hide-->

thnx in advance

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