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Re: Few Random thoughts
SilverThorn wrote:
> I wonder if a JS could read a page already loaded in a window?
You can do something like this if your JavaScript code has a "handle" to
reference the window by, for example, if the window was opened using
window.open() and you have a saved copy of the returned value from the
> This could be useful because you could use a dummy page that contained
> a stable database of information available to other pages while
> avoiding the volatile cookie specs.
Yes, I've done something like this for a JavaScript-based slide
presentation project I'm working on. I use an HTML document to store
references (i.e., URLs) to the "slides" (i.e., Web pages) as regular
links on a page, and then pick the URLs up in my JavaScript code; I also
store slide titles as hidden variables on a form on the same page.
The one problem you have to watch out for is if the page gets reloaded;
at 2.0 this screws up references to the variables on the page. The
workaround is to "copy" information off the page, e.g., for strings
you'd do something like
x = "" + y;
where "x" is your own variable and "y" is a reference to a variable on
the original page.
Frank Hecker Pre-sales tech support, Netscape Federal sales
hecker@netscape.com http://home.netscape.com/people/hecker/
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