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Re: Indexing/Searching Web Pages
Hi David,
David Crowder wrote:
> Before I reinvent the wheel, I thought I'd better ask if anyone has already
> developed a Javascript technique for indexing and searching your own Web pages.
Have a look at
I don't know if that is exactly what you want, but with a little modification.....
Olaf Walkowiak, Suedeseestr.14, D-45145 Essen, Phone:+49-201-604594
si0015@aixrs1.hrz.uni-essen.de OlafWal@aol.com
URL:http://www.bikeconn.de/com/bikeconn/hotel/olaf (Homepage)
URL:http://www.bikeconn.de/com/bikeconn/hotel/olaf/java (JavaScript)
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