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RE: Array w/ more than 1 dimension
>From: Ellie wysiwyg <elliep19@gdi.net>
>Date: Tue, 27 Feb 96 04:23:55 -0500
>Subject: Array w/ more than 1 dimension
>Hello all,
>Is it possible to get an array w/ two or three dimensions?
I can't remember the URL off hand, but there is a link to an example of
multi-dimensional arrays off the JavaScript section of the PhillyJUG web
site (http://www.iliad.com/PhillyJUG).
| Luke Cassady-Dorion -------------> luke@iliad.com
| Odyssey Sytems Corporation ------> http://www.iliad.com
Philadelphia Java User's Group --> http://www.iliad.com/PhillyJUG
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-- Willie Wonka
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