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Re: Printing
Unfortunately you can't print Javascript generated HTML in 2.0
This was already documented in the JavaScript FAQ (Frequently Asked
Questions) List at http://www.his.com/~smithers/freq/beta/index.html
Andy Augustine
At 05:11 PM 2/26/96 -0800, Eric Anderson wrote:
>When using javascript to open a window (mywindow = window.open(...)) and
>send it some data (mywindow.document.write(...)), the File|Print menu item
>on the new window is disabled.
>1) Why is it disabled?
>2) Is there a way for the user to print a document generated by javascript
>(without using the clipboard)?
>E r i c A n d e r s o n
>Director of Software Development
>AXIS Web Publishing
>This message came from the mailing list javascript. For help using the
>mailing list software, please send a message to 'majordomo@obscure.org'
>with the message body 'help'. To unsubscribe, send a message to
>'majordomo@obscure.org' with the message body 'unsubscribe javascript'.
This message came from the mailing list javascript. For help using the
mailing list software, please send a message to 'majordomo@obscure.org'
with the message body 'help'. To unsubscribe, send a message to
'majordomo@obscure.org' with the message body 'unsubscribe javascript'.