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Re: Conersion Question....
Masoud --
On Feb 22, 18:05, Masoud Salehi-Sedeh wrote:
> Subject: Conersion Question....
> I wonder How it is possible to convert a string to an object
> instance. For example if I type in the following
> "window.frames[0].document.forms[0].test", how can I parse and
> convert the string to the actual 'test' object which is located in a
> form inside document of first frame in my browser. any ideas????
> masoud.
>-- End of excerpt from Masoud Salehi-Sedeh
Take a look at the "eval" command. The syntax would be
-- Athomas
Athomas Goldberg
Associate Research Scientist
New York Univerity
Media Research Lab ph: (212) 998-3469
715-719 Broadway rm 1227 fx: (212) 995-4122
New York NY 10003
Email: athomas@mrl.nyu.edu
WWW: http://www.mrl.nyu.edu/athomas
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