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Re: onMouseOver and images and other questions.
Look at the JavaScript FAQ, this question is already answered.
At 08:42 PM 2/23/96 -0800, John R. Ives wrote:
>Please forgive my utter lack of programming knowledge, I'm new to this
>aspect of the web.
>I have a questions that some of you might be able to help me with:
>1) Is it possble to use the onMouseOver function to switch pictures. What I
>mean is, supposing I have a small blue bullet next to an item, can I use the
>onMouseOver to replace that bullet with a small red bullet? If so could
>someone give me a pointer to where I might be able to get some sample code.
> JOHN IVES - jives@uclink2.berkeley.edu
> http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~jives
> Creator of Berkeley Dept. of English Home Page
> http://www.ls.berkeley.edu/Dept/English/dept.html
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