If you're framset looks like this: <FRAMESET COLS="*,100"> <FRAME SRC="test1.html" NAME="body"> <FRAME SRC="test2.html" NAME="control"> </FRAMESET> And you had a form in "body" and an object in "control"... **body** <FORM NAME="testForm"> <INPUT NAME="test"> </FORM> **control** var testObj = new Object Then you could assign the form value to the object like this: **control** parent.body.testObj = document.testForm.test.value Is this what you had in mind?? Andy ('mohammed') Augustine <aug@ix.netcom.com> ---------- From: Masoud Salehi-Sedeh[SMTP:masoud@canonize.media.com] Sent: Thursday, February 22, 1996 7:05 PM To: javascript@obscure.org Subject: Conersion Question.... I wonder How it is possible to convert a string to an object instance. For example if I type in the following "window.frames[0].document.forms[0].test", how can I parse and convert the string to the actual 'test' object which is located in a form inside document of first frame in my browser. any ideas???? masoud. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This message came from the mailing list javascript. For help using the mailing list software, please send a message to 'majordomo@obscure.org' with the message body 'help'. To unsubscribe, send a message to 'majordomo@obscure.org' with the message body 'unsubscribe javascript'.