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Re: my form/JS don't work
This guy wrote
>I have a problem. I have a left side frames that is my table of contents.
>I have my contents.html file (table of contents frame) designed so that
>it directs the url choosen in a form type input to the main frame. The
>only problem is that the GO button to go to that url doesn't do
>Check it out at http://ww.NETural.com/~ccamel
>table of contents frame= contents.html
>main frame= iindex.html
>Someone Please tell me what's wrong!!!
Since I'm the author of that function I know what
scrwed up. If you change main in openNewUrl to parent
I guess it will work but then the new window goes into
the same frame. However it's not a good way after all
if you open a site that use frames in a frame window
it will be a mess.
Joakim Trygg Ames.
Joakim Trygg | Ames Laboratory USDOE
Email: trygg@ameslab.gov | Physics Department
Tel: (515) 294-7245 | Iowa State University
Fax: (515) 294-0689 | Ames, IA 50011 USA
WWW: http://leni.fysik.uu.se/~joakim
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