Check the JavaScript FAQ under the subheading 'How do I detect for a plug-in?' Andy Augustine ---------- From: Dain Muller[] Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 1996 4:06 PM To: Subject: Help with open method it specifies in the JavaScript Authoring guide on Netscape's Site that you can set the stream for this method as such: (["mimeType"]) where mimeType can be any two part plug-in MIME type that Netscape supports. I can't get this to work! Anybody used this/have an example they could point me to? Thanks, Dain A. Muller -------------------------------------------------------------------- This message came from the mailing list javascript. For help using the mailing list software, please send a message to '' with the message body 'help'. To unsubscribe, send a message to '' with the message body 'unsubscribe javascript'.