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Re: Mess = (Javascript && (AOL || Netcom))
On Wed, 21 Feb 1996 07:06:50 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello All,
> Has anyone seen their Javascript pages thru AOL or Netcom's Web browser?
> The commenting technique between <script> & </script> tags works up
> until the first ">" in your script.
> This means no tests using "greater than" or no ">" in any strings used
> within your script.
> I suppose one could take the high brow attitude that if they don't use
> a compatible brower the heck with them. ...unfortunately I don't have
> that luxury.
> So, if you've placed some JavaScript on your page, you may want to give
> it a call up on AOL or Netcom.
Not to offend anyone, but,( the heck with that, lets offend!) the AOL
browser is a joke. It fails to handle many of the HTML 2.0 standards,
andnow HTML 3.0 is nearly official? I do take the high-brow approach,
and say, "Get a real connection, or quit complaining!"
Guess everyone should have text only pages for those still using Lynx!
( not knocking lynx, its a fine text browser) Maybe we should
accomodate Vic-20 users also. You knwo, everyone ha a right to equal
I am not about to put a copy of the LAME, CPU hogging, resource
stealing kludge that AOL calls a broswer on my PC to test my pages.
We test our pages with Netscape (win 16, win32, Linux, mac), MSIA,
OS/2 IA. If thats not enough, too bad...
Seconds on this opinion?
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