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Re: How to get it to print
Gordon McComb wrote:
> At 01:42 AM 2/19/96 -0600, you wrote:
> >I am writing a JavaScript page to take input of several values, do a
> >calculation, and spit out an answer. The problem is I'd like to user to
> >print out the entire page with the numbers in my form boxes but when you
> >print (I'm on a Mac), it just prints blank boxes...any suggestions on how
> >to get the numbers to print out?
> >
> >Grady
> This is not possible, and is a limitation of Netscape (with and without
> JavaScript).
> In addition, Netscape will not print a document where the text has been
> generated
> by JavaScript. Netscape sees it as a blank page, or the original page that
> was sent
> from the server.
> -- Gordon
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I would advocate that you try a screen capture program like
at http://www.jasc.com (4 windoze)
It would give the ability to print out the whole window or doc area or
text area. Lease screen capture in background then while viewing
the document you press a specified f key and alt.
Unfortunately that means that your enduser has to have the program.
Oh well
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