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Re: your mail
On Thu, 15 Feb 1996, Aymeric Grassart wrote:
> Hello evry1,
> I was wondering if there was a way to call a javascript function in the
> page instead of a url when clicking on a certain point on an imagemap???
> ccamel
Try using client side imagemaps:
The syntax is:
<MAP NAME=" name ">
<AREA [SHAPE=" shape "] COORDS="x,y,..." [HREF=" reference "] [NOHREF]>
use "javascript:functionname()" for the href. I have NOT tried this...
just a lead.
Good Luck,
Jon Gorrono (Gorroño) 1400-M Surge II
New Media Programmer/Analyst UC Davis
Creative Communication Services Davis, CA 95616
A Division of Information Technology (916)752-0218;FAX-4655
University of California at Davis jpgorrono@ucdavis.edu
Owner:Digital Video Discussion List DIGVID-L@UCDAVIS.EDU
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