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Re: write() and <
Hey Gordon,
Check out my example at
I use the same methodology that I posted earlier.
function WriteToOutputWindow() {
mywin.document.write('< TABLE >')
and don't ever have to call document.open() bc I call window.open.
The trouble with my output lies somewhere in the < code.
If I throw a write() instead of writeln() with > in it, my output is screwed.
I'm just trying to take the formatted HTML I use to write a frame in JS, and
show that HTML in an output window.
Go to my sight and click on 'show HTML' button.
Thanks again,
Andy Augustine
At 10:29 AM 2/14/96 -0800, Gordon McComb wrote:
>You don't show it, but since you have a document.close, you need to open a
>new stream in order to properly output text. This will of course delete
>anything you previously write to the document (if you don't want to do that,
>remove the document.close). In fact, if you're not careful, you can crash
>Netscape if you close the output stream and try to write something afterward.
>At 11:35 AM 2/14/96 -0500, you wrote:
>>I have a HTML tag that I want to output to a window without having it
>>parsed. (<TABLE>)
>>function drawTable(tableObj) {
>> document.write('<TABLE>')
>> .
>> .
>> document.close()
>>Should output <TABLE> and it does. However when I call this function a
>>second time, some of the tags don't print and some very strange output
>>occurs. Any suggestion?