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Re: JavaScript Development Tools
>At 15:16 12/02/96 -0800, you wrote:
>>What tools are available for JavaScript to develop applications
>>which communicate to a Sybase 10.01 database that resides on an HP
>>-UX operating system ?
>Want the bad news = None.
Not necessarily...
Netscape's forthcoming Livewire Pro server system can interface with Sybase
and uses Javascript as its scripting language. However, it might not be out
for a while.
Unfortunately, very little is known about Livewire Pro, especially with regard
to programming.
-- Yoz
| |,,-.---. Yoram Grahame - yoz@ucl.ac.uk , yoz@delphi.com
`--1 `-' ==; WWW: http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/students/Y.Grahame/
,-'| ; "Right here, right now, friend, I'm as nervous as a cotton-pickin'
`--' ,----' frog on a freeway with its hopper busted... I'm in bad shape."