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RE: books on javascript?

The books on javascript are basically being written right now.  I don't know of any in print yet.  I have been looking for a while.  Review Netscape online documentation at http://home.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/2.0/handbook/javascript/index.html.
That combined with some examples out there and this mailing list are about is good as it gets.

From: 	anx.scan[SMTP:anx.scan@ix5.ix.netcom.com]
Sent: 	Monday, February 12, 1996 8:36 AM
To: 	javascript@obscure.org
Subject: 	books on javascript?

im looking for a good book to start me on JavaScript... the local 
computer bookstore didnt have any (if they dont have it... no one 
around here does.)

anyway... anyone know of a place on the web i can purchace one?  im 
looking for a beginners kind-of book... but one that explores 
advanced features, also.

For the love of simplicity in admiration of complexity,
A n x . s c a n

fax: 1.708.369.6510

Try This: t h e  b a s e m e n t  i n d u s t r y

Steve Brandt

phone:  (214) 869-8263
fax:       (214) 869-8280
