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Changing the toolbar &c ?
I came across this code in the NS Javascript documentation:
<FORM NAME="myform">
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Button1" VALUE="Open Sesame!"
onClick="window.open('stmtsov.html', 'newWin', 'toolbar=no,directories=no')">
and was amazed to find that in spite of my preferences/options, a new window opened
with no toolbar or directories!
I have been fooling around with this snippet and would like to insert it into my own
code for the first page of a site I'm developing. I'd like to remove the tollbar, the
directory buttons and the location window while at the site. I suspect this would be
put in the onload declaration within the <body> tag. If possible I would like to
return the browser to the user's setting with the onunload declaration also in the
<body> tag.
Can anyone help me out here?
Seth D. Palmer QUE SERA SERF
sdpalmer@panix.com - Life is feudal.
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