Blah Poetry
We are still waiting for our first Pullizter Prize....
etaK's Ode to Cheap Beer
Ed's Poem about Jeff's Dilemma
Vlad's Ballad of Judd: Mime Killer
Vince's Ode to Pants
Marcy's Chant and How It Grew
What Happens to Marcy's Chant When You Change the Subject
Oddlystrange's Ode to the God of Lag
Vince's %) Poem
Oddlystrange and Vince team up
Ken's Prune Juice Poem
:) the blue vampire's's Ode to Tori Amos and the War that ensued.
oddly's MIS poem
Vlad's Poem for Kirstin to get Kirsten on- La Primadonna
Vlad's Sonnet to the End-User
This page last rudely violated September 14, 1999.