E-mail: dew@obscure.org |
Well, here I go, foraying into the giant Little People sea, the massive, whirling tempest of Fisher-Price. Consider this always a work in progress. As an artist, I am constantly stimulated by images, from all different sources, and one of the things that makes F-P's toys so enticing are the colors! I love looking at the pictures of the toys for sale on ebay, and bumbling upon new image-strewn web pages. Obviously, there are already collectors' guides out there, on the web or otherwise, and this is not intended to replace them. They are wonderful, incredible resources, and I commend the people who put so much time into them. What follows is my very visual-based presentation of the Fisher-Price toys (mostly) in my collection. These pages are very graphic-intensive, so please be prepared for that! I will be adding new information here almost constantly. Most of these images will be stored on my other server (I am not stealing someone else's bandwith), so if they don't seem to be working, there is likely a problem with that server. Feel free to download these images for your own amusement, but please do not put them on your web page! Enjoy!