Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Had my oral defense yesterday afternoon. I think it went well. I'm expecting a grade in the B range somewhere. Important thing is: I know I passed.
To do:
1)Research and write paper for Friday on sustainable forestry
2)Prepare presentation for Thurs on use of Surrealism in Julie Taymor's movie Titus
3)Get oil change
4)prepare for Tuesday Group tonight
2)Prepare presentation for Thurs on use of Surrealism in Julie Taymor's movie Titus
3)Get oil change
4)prepare for Tuesday Group tonight
Friday, April 21, 2006
Spring Fest
so, gas was up to $2.95 a gallon yesterday.
And right now, it's Spring Fest at Allegheny, a tradition that has been bastardized over the years into an excuse to get wasted and scream at all hours of the night and do really stupid things that make the locals hate us even more than they already do.
Needless to say, I will spend most of this weekend holed up in my room asleep, working on papers, or knitting.
And right now, it's Spring Fest at Allegheny, a tradition that has been bastardized over the years into an excuse to get wasted and scream at all hours of the night and do really stupid things that make the locals hate us even more than they already do.
Needless to say, I will spend most of this weekend holed up in my room asleep, working on papers, or knitting.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
graduation stuff
Grad announcements arrived today. Waiting for a list of people to send them to, now.
Saturday, April 15, 2006

Poor Kinsey. Jess' youngest rat died this morning. He'd been having difficulty breathing for about a week, and she decided he needed to go to the vet. Unfortunately, he died en route. We buried him in the back yard.
He was a good boy, even if he didn't get along with Beckett and Griffin. He'd scamper around the room, and attack my feet. He even once stole one of my socks and dragged it into his cage. He gave little ratty kisses and loved his yogurt drops.

Friday, April 14, 2006
Turned in my comp yesterday. Anyone who wants a copy, e-mail me and I'll send you one as an attatchement.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
I just handed in my comp to the Print Shop. THis means it's done. I cannot make any more changes to it. Feels really good. I'm exhausted, but it feels good.
Now I just have to have my oral defense (Monday the 24th at 4:30), and write papers for class and finals.
Going up to Erie for Easter on Sunday. Picnic if weather permits. SHould be nice to get out of here, if even for a couple hours.
Now I just have to have my oral defense (Monday the 24th at 4:30), and write papers for class and finals.
Going up to Erie for Easter on Sunday. Picnic if weather permits. SHould be nice to get out of here, if even for a couple hours.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
So far I have accomplished:
Picking up my broken printer. There's nothing they can do to fix it, so it's gonna have to go to an eloctronics recycling place.
Tax forms arrived yesterday. Signed, copied and mailed yesterday.
Talked with Bakken about my comp. Have made several revisions already, but the preface still needs a lot of work. Stressing over that as I type this. Want to have it all done and ready for the Print Shop tomorrow, so I can get it back on Friday in time to turn in that afternoon.
Also, I just randomly ran into Emily Smith this afternoon. She had the day off, and decided to come up to Meadville and see some people. It was good seeing her.
Right. Back to my comp.
Picking up my broken printer. There's nothing they can do to fix it, so it's gonna have to go to an eloctronics recycling place.
Tax forms arrived yesterday. Signed, copied and mailed yesterday.
Talked with Bakken about my comp. Have made several revisions already, but the preface still needs a lot of work. Stressing over that as I type this. Want to have it all done and ready for the Print Shop tomorrow, so I can get it back on Friday in time to turn in that afternoon.
Also, I just randomly ran into Emily Smith this afternoon. She had the day off, and decided to come up to Meadville and see some people. It was good seeing her.
Right. Back to my comp.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
So much work, so little time
Comp is due this Friday. Turned in a draft, with preface to Bakken last week. Will meet to discuss tomorrow.
Monday (the 3rd) was my last dat at work with Francesca. WIll probably see her again, since we're working out a letter of reference for me, still.
So, comp due Friday, oral defense the 24th (a Monday), then papers to write: 10 pages with 12 sources for Ecological Economics, and a paper (probably 5-10 pages) for my art history class.
Ordered grad announcements--cost an arm and a leg, like $84 total, including shipping. Waiting for the tax stuff from my parents so I can get my refund. Little worrisome, since its due in a week.
Too much going on, too much to do, not enough hours in the day.
Monday (the 3rd) was my last dat at work with Francesca. WIll probably see her again, since we're working out a letter of reference for me, still.
So, comp due Friday, oral defense the 24th (a Monday), then papers to write: 10 pages with 12 sources for Ecological Economics, and a paper (probably 5-10 pages) for my art history class.
Ordered grad announcements--cost an arm and a leg, like $84 total, including shipping. Waiting for the tax stuff from my parents so I can get my refund. Little worrisome, since its due in a week.
Too much going on, too much to do, not enough hours in the day.