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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

college bowl

so, yeah. Here's where it'll be this weekend.
Still trying to figure out if we're actually going or not. Student activities lost the form last week, so I had to go fill it out again.
In any case, anybody in the area who wants to make the trip to cheer us on, that'd be cool.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

College Bowl

If all goes as planned, I'll be off to the regional tournament somewhere in Maryland next weekend. The student activities office has been pretty behind in giving us any real information, like where exactly, or where we'd be staying, or how they'd reimburse us for travel expenses... but I've discovered that's typical.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I'm currently in the process of moving all my art stuff off the Obscure site and onto my DeviantArt site. Having trouble finding recent stuff, or decent pictures of older works, like my paintings. They may have to wait until much later when everything gets unpacked from storage. Or I have a digital camera and can get quick, good pictures of them.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

February: HAlf over, and it still feels endless

so, here's what's happened so far this month.
BAD things: broken rear windshield wiper, $75 to repair. I blame drunken frat boys. THe thing was just lying in the mud one morning. Not a natural occurence.
Missed work last week, since I wasn't feeling well.
Not nearly as much of my comp done as I should.
I have papers due next week. Need to do research and write them. WHen will I have the time? I'll have to make some.

GOOD things: Watched Super Bowl with friends. Pittsburgh won.
Friends appreciating my overdue Christmas gifts from Israel.
Valentine's Day- Good because Jess really liked the stuffed bunny I knit for her. I'll have to get pictures and post them later.
I joined Facebook. This allowed me to get in touvh with old friends I haven't talked to since graduating from High School. Yea, internet!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Comp and Chapel

So, I talked to Bakken on Monday and set up a schedule to meet with him every couple weeks. Handed in six poems on Friday, so he should have gotten those and we can talk about them tomorrow. The work is going well so far. I got a cubicle in the library, and have been transferring my poetry books from my room to said cubicle where I can read with minimal distractions (unless the other people in cublciles aroud me decide tobe either unobservant or just rude and ignore the "please maintain silence on this floor" signs).

Also, Allegheny finally got around to hiring a full-time, permanant Chaplain, Jane Ellen Nickell. SHe is the school's first female Chaplain, and I just went to the morning service and I thin I'm gonna really like her. She seems to have a real concern for ecological issues, which of course makes me like her all the more.
SHe is the fourth CHaplain here in as many years. Third one this academic year. I'm glad they finally got some stability for the posistion. We needed it.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Oh joy. It's February, the Monday of the year. Just one long Monday.