so much to say
haven't blogged sinvce I finished exams. Spent a few days in Erie with my grandparents, celebrated CHristmas there. LOts of family and friends over on Christmas eve, then went to Anut Sally's on CHristmas, saw people some more. Had a whole stack of boxes waiting for me in Erie from my parents, so I had gifts to open on CHristmas. All books! MWahaha! Can never have too many of those. Mostly poetry, too, which'll help with the Comp next semester shudder>
Am in Tel Aviv now with parents. Getting here was an ordeal, though. The flight out of Erie (10:05) didn't leave until 11:00am, so I arrived in Cleaveland at 11:30, just in time to miss my connecting flight to NEwark. I got a flight to Newark at 3:30pm, which is when the flight to Tel Aviv left from NEwark, so I missed that, too. The flight out of Cleveland was also delayed, so I got into Newark about 6:00pm, with plenty of time to go talk to somebody about getting on the 11:00pm flight to Tel Aviv, which I already knew was overbooked (but at least I got a first class seat for an hour).
They put me on standby, and I was confirmed for the 3:30 flight the next day, so I'd get there eventually. Just really didn't want to spend the night in NEwark. Ick. Did that once, back in Elementary school, and did not enjoy it. So I go back to the counter a couple hours later, they check my bag through on standby, and I go to the gate. I sit there for a couple hours until they start boarding. Wait some more. After everyone else is confirmed as being there and checked in, I begin to gear up for the fight over getting Continental to give me a hotel voucher like they're required to by regulations but I know they'll try to avoid doing.
THen I hear my name called, and I rush up to the desk, get a boarding pass and scramble on tio find seat 38b. A middle seat, of course, but I can't really complain because it was close to my not getting anything.
But I got here. And that's the important part. Afdam and Emily arrive on Thursday, we'll celebrate Christmas as a family Friday. I have a bunch of gifts from me and from other family to wrap and put under the tree.
NOw its time to go crash.
Am in Tel Aviv now with parents. Getting here was an ordeal, though. The flight out of Erie (10:05) didn't leave until 11:00am, so I arrived in Cleaveland at 11:30, just in time to miss my connecting flight to NEwark. I got a flight to Newark at 3:30pm, which is when the flight to Tel Aviv left from NEwark, so I missed that, too. The flight out of Cleveland was also delayed, so I got into Newark about 6:00pm, with plenty of time to go talk to somebody about getting on the 11:00pm flight to Tel Aviv, which I already knew was overbooked (but at least I got a first class seat for an hour).
They put me on standby, and I was confirmed for the 3:30 flight the next day, so I'd get there eventually. Just really didn't want to spend the night in NEwark. Ick. Did that once, back in Elementary school, and did not enjoy it. So I go back to the counter a couple hours later, they check my bag through on standby, and I go to the gate. I sit there for a couple hours until they start boarding. Wait some more. After everyone else is confirmed as being there and checked in, I begin to gear up for the fight over getting Continental to give me a hotel voucher like they're required to by regulations but I know they'll try to avoid doing.
THen I hear my name called, and I rush up to the desk, get a boarding pass and scramble on tio find seat 38b. A middle seat, of course, but I can't really complain because it was close to my not getting anything.
But I got here. And that's the important part. Afdam and Emily arrive on Thursday, we'll celebrate Christmas as a family Friday. I have a bunch of gifts from me and from other family to wrap and put under the tree.
NOw its time to go crash.
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