1993-7 Pictures of Apparattus Norvegicus

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Unless otherwise noted, photos are by Nicole Byrd.

Well, spank my Irish ass!

My slutpuppy outfit

with PVC shirt and a saucy g-string over fishnet shorts.
(Matching patent leather knee-high boots not shown. Ah well.)

Up close and personal

Sportin' about in the manliest of garments, the kilt.

Another kilt pic

(unfortunately blurry)

Being silly at a party

(photo by Jim Gajarsa)

A candid shot
by Dan Brown

Wearing those leather pants again

Mein Ubergrufti outfit

(one of my drawings is visible to the right side [my left in the pic])

Looking like I belong in a low-budget industrial video

or an even lower-budget cyborg movie.

With that dumb but lovable cat Isis

1998-9 Pictures