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>Hi... I have a script that scrolls some words across the bottom of the
>screen, but I wanted it to give the date and time with the words.  How would
>I get JavaScript to check for the date and time on the users machine?
>   _____                                                            _____  
>  /   __)                                                          (__   \ 
> /   (__|__________________________________________________________|__)   \
> \   |                                                                |   /
>  \__|                    ~X~ Jason Farnsworth ~X~                    |__/ 
>     |                 jafar@oz.net, jafar1@cdrom.com                 | 
>     |             jason@world9.com, jafar@mail.serve.com             |
>     |                  http://www.serve.com/~jafar/                  |    
>     |________________________________________________________________|    
Check out http://www.ids.net/pmccarty/bottom.htm (part of

Hope this helps...

                                                Pat McCarty

              .:.                                   Patrick T. McCarty

             .:::.                                  PC Programming/Internet
            .:::::.                                 McLaughlin Research Corp.
        ***.:::::::.***                       email : pmccarty@ids.net
   *******.:::::::::.*******          www : http://www.ids.net/~pmccarty/
   .:'  ***************    .                                             